5 years ago
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Another sick day
Everyone is sick today but me. It might be a very long day. Poor Tom has to go to work but right now it looks like both boys will be staying home from school.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Honeymoon...8 years later
The opportunity to be spontaneous doesn't often come along when you're married with three young kids. Today, we took advantage of a Sunday with nothing to do and traveled to Lake Michigan for the day. We went to the quaint little town of Saugatuck (where Tom an I went on our honeymoon). We told the kids to pile in the car, "we're going for an adventure!"
Mt. Baldhead... LOTS of steps to climb but a beautiful view of Lake Michigan at the top!! The boys did great and made it up by themselves.
I love my Mei Tai for carrying Claire on my back.
This is the river that Saugatuck is built on and runs right into the Lake.
The boys at the beach.
Getting chased by the waves.

Thankfully I came prepared with a change of clothes for all the kids. They just can't NOT get wet!
Claire loved the waves and watching the seagulls.
Reese is not shy. He stripped down and played in the outdoor shower to get the sand off.
Our backpack also works great for carrying Claire. She can see better in this but loves to sleep in the Mei Tai.
Tom carrying Claire.
We visited the S.S. Keewatin which is over 100 years old and is docked in Saugatuck.

We walked through town and looked at all the huge yachts docked there. Drew was cold so we found a cafe, sat outside and drank hot chocolate.
As you can see we had great seats!

Thankfully I came prepared with a change of clothes for all the kids. They just can't NOT get wet!

We walked through town and looked at all the huge yachts docked there. Drew was cold so we found a cafe, sat outside and drank hot chocolate.
It was a great day and a fun family trip. The boys kept saying, "This is the best adventure day ever." They crashed in the car on the way home.
As promised - here are some pictures from the Rascal Flatts concert...

Friday, September 26, 2008
Overdue Update
I know I've been terrible about updating the blog lately. Somehow the days seem to fly by and I can't find the time to bore you with my stories. To sum up this past week... my sister, Michelle left for Wales to attend the Bible College of Wales for the year. I miss her already but am so excited she is stepping out in faith and pursuing spiritual growth.
For our 8th anniversary, Tom took me to see Rascal Flatts (and Taylor Swift) in concert. We had a great time - what a show!! Tom took some good pictures I'll try to post soon. Mom and Dad Gheen came up from Ohio to watch the boys. Mom and Dad Reusser took care of Claire at their house. It was my first time leaving Claire, which was hard, but I knew she was in good hands. Thanks to both grandparents for the kid-free night away.
The boys have been funny lately. Let me give you a little background: My brother-in-law, Anthony, is a tall guy. I'm not sure exactly how tall but I think it's safe to say he's closer to 7' than he is to 6'. Now I'm sure Anthony gets tired of people commenting on his size but if he's tall to you and me imagine how tall he is to a 3 year old?!
One day, at lunch, I asked Drew & Reese to help me come up with Christmas gift ideas for their cousins. Instead, this prompted a discussion on what they want for Christmas. Tom & I are thinking of getting them a Wii so I just said, "you guys are probably going to get a few little things and one big thing for Christmas." Reese was so excited! "We're going to get Uncle Anthony for Christmas?!!"
On Thursday I was taking Reese to school. He's sitting quietly in the backseat when he asks me, "Mom, when am I going to see Aunt Michelle in sarks?" What?!?! Racking my brain trying to figure out what he's saying I ask him to repeat that. "Mom, I want to see Aunt Michelle in sarks!" I'm still puzzled... "You want to see Aunt Michelle in sharks?" "Uh Huh," he nods. The light goes on and I finally get what he's saying! Sarks... sharks... whales... "Oh, you want to see Aunt Michelle in Wales!" Reese can't figure out why I'm laughing. "Yes, I miss her," he says very seriously. He melts my heart.
Thankfully, Drew has recovered from pneumonia and some sort of infection he was dealing with last week. His energy level is back and he is just as sweet as ever. He loves to give me a hug and kiss before school everyday and is so proud to show me his "fish" when he gets home (he gets a fish for good behavior at school - 5 fishes equals a trip to the "treasure chest" to pick out a toy).
For the two of you who read this blog, thanks for tuning in and letting me share a little of what our daily life is like. Reflecting back on the fun stuff is therapeutic for me since often I'm simply exhausted from the not-so-fun parts of parenting. It's good to be reminded that parenting is a blessing and, most definitely, an opportunity for growth.
For our 8th anniversary, Tom took me to see Rascal Flatts (and Taylor Swift) in concert. We had a great time - what a show!! Tom took some good pictures I'll try to post soon. Mom and Dad Gheen came up from Ohio to watch the boys. Mom and Dad Reusser took care of Claire at their house. It was my first time leaving Claire, which was hard, but I knew she was in good hands. Thanks to both grandparents for the kid-free night away.
The boys have been funny lately. Let me give you a little background: My brother-in-law, Anthony, is a tall guy. I'm not sure exactly how tall but I think it's safe to say he's closer to 7' than he is to 6'. Now I'm sure Anthony gets tired of people commenting on his size but if he's tall to you and me imagine how tall he is to a 3 year old?!
One day, at lunch, I asked Drew & Reese to help me come up with Christmas gift ideas for their cousins. Instead, this prompted a discussion on what they want for Christmas. Tom & I are thinking of getting them a Wii so I just said, "you guys are probably going to get a few little things and one big thing for Christmas." Reese was so excited! "We're going to get Uncle Anthony for Christmas?!!"
On Thursday I was taking Reese to school. He's sitting quietly in the backseat when he asks me, "Mom, when am I going to see Aunt Michelle in sarks?" What?!?! Racking my brain trying to figure out what he's saying I ask him to repeat that. "Mom, I want to see Aunt Michelle in sarks!" I'm still puzzled... "You want to see Aunt Michelle in sharks?" "Uh Huh," he nods. The light goes on and I finally get what he's saying! Sarks... sharks... whales... "Oh, you want to see Aunt Michelle in Wales!" Reese can't figure out why I'm laughing. "Yes, I miss her," he says very seriously. He melts my heart.
Thankfully, Drew has recovered from pneumonia and some sort of infection he was dealing with last week. His energy level is back and he is just as sweet as ever. He loves to give me a hug and kiss before school everyday and is so proud to show me his "fish" when he gets home (he gets a fish for good behavior at school - 5 fishes equals a trip to the "treasure chest" to pick out a toy).
For the two of you who read this blog, thanks for tuning in and letting me share a little of what our daily life is like. Reflecting back on the fun stuff is therapeutic for me since often I'm simply exhausted from the not-so-fun parts of parenting. It's good to be reminded that parenting is a blessing and, most definitely, an opportunity for growth.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
School Days
Claire is starting to eat more baby food - yea!!
It has been a little difficult on her schedule since I am now carting the boys around more. I feel like I'm constantly waking her up from her nap to load her into the car. Thankfully she is a laid back girl.
A Day at the Zoo
The first Saturday in September we spent a Reusser Family Day at the Ft. Wayne Zoo. It was great to have all of us together. What a fun day - thanks Grandpa and Grandma!
The boys were so excited when they woke up that morning.
We stopped at a rest area to stretch and use the facilities. Grandma had packed "goodie bags" for all the kids and they had fun both in the car and at the rest stop playing with their "goodies".
Definitely a highlight of the zoo was the petting zoo and the pygmy goats. Initially Gracie was scared of the goats but she quickly warmed up to them.
The boys were so excited when they woke up that morning.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Sick Day
Drew is sick and stayed home from school today. He was sick most of the weekend. We knew he was really sick because he stayed on the couch and slept which is VERY unlike him.
I did get my new computer today - YEA! Still trying to get it all set up but so far I'm liking it.
The boys were pretty funny at lunch today. Drew told me, "Mom, we have a new kid in class and he's really mean to me." I asked what the boy's name was... "Carol" Drew replies. "Carol? That sounds like a different name for a boy." Reese chips in, "I have a Carol in my class too." "How old is he?" Drew asks Reese. Reese thinks real hard, "He's 5." (FYI - Reese is in a pre-school class for 3 year olds)
I just sit back, listen and laugh when they talk with each other. They are in their own little world :)
I did get my new computer today - YEA! Still trying to get it all set up but so far I'm liking it.
The boys were pretty funny at lunch today. Drew told me, "Mom, we have a new kid in class and he's really mean to me." I asked what the boy's name was... "Carol" Drew replies. "Carol? That sounds like a different name for a boy." Reese chips in, "I have a Carol in my class too." "How old is he?" Drew asks Reese. Reese thinks real hard, "He's 5." (FYI - Reese is in a pre-school class for 3 year olds)
I just sit back, listen and laugh when they talk with each other. They are in their own little world :)
Monday, September 8, 2008
My laptop died so I have not been able to update the blog for a while. Tom ordered me a new computer (Yea!!). Once that arrives I'll post some more pics & updates. God Bless!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
School Begins
I cannot believe Drew is old enough to start school. They say that kids grow up fast - they aren't kidding! I am so proud of the amazing young man Drew is growing into. We've been praying for him since the day we found out I was pregnant. What an awesome privilege/responsibility it is to parent. I am so thankful God does not leave us on our own for the task but cares for our kids more than we can imagine!
Drew was SO excited to go to school. He woke up early and was dressed in record time - even though school doesn't start until after lunch.

Tom came home from work so we could all go out to lunch together. Wendy's... fancy :)
Drew ready to go into his class with the other kids. I was so happy to see one of our neighbor girls, Gracey, is in his class.
Drew at his seat in the classroom.
You only have one REAL first day of school - so we made it a big deal. When I picked Drew up from school we went out for ice cream. Then Grandma, Grandpa, and Aunt Michelle came over for dinner. After dinner we went to Fun Tyme and rode the Go Karts. Grandpa Reusser met us there to watch Claire so Tom and I could take the boys.

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