Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Love of My Life = Jesus... or hot dogs?

Ever have those moments when you think you are going to have a memorable, spiritual, possibly life-changing conversation with your kids? Well, this was not one of those moments.

The boys and I were sitting together this morning, just relaxing and talking... "Mom, I love you THIS much." Andrew said, and spread his arms as wide as he could. Reese followed with, "Mom, I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really love you." (give or take a few "really"s) I was touched. "Ah, boys, I love you too. But you know... if you would have said you love Jesus more than me I would have been fine with that!"
Drew very sweetly replied, "Mom, I love Jesus more than you. And I love your hot dogs more than Jesus."

Ahh shoot! He almost got the point I was trying to make :) To offer a small explanation, I had said a few minutes earlier that I was going to grill them hot dogs for lunch. Since food is never far from his mind you can (kind-of) see where he came up with that.

So to recap... Drew loves #1 hot dogs, #2 Jesus, and #3 Mom (guess I should just be thankful I made the list at all)