Tuesday, May 6, 2008

"Gotta Go Potty!"

Reese is working on potty training... it's long overdue but it's been a long day so far. Drew is helping, which is wonderful. He is encouraging and "showing" Reese how to use the "big boy potty." Drew even demonstrated how to put on underwear. It went something like this, "okay Buddy, first I sit down, then you put one leg in here and another leg in here, then you stand up and pull them up over your wee wee..."

Claire is getting so big. I'm anxious for her 4 month doctor's appointment that is coming up on Friday. I've started her on rice cereal once or twice a day. She is doing pretty well with it. Poor girl loves to sleep but often can't due to her two noisy brothers. If the boys happen to be gone she ALWAYS falls asleep and looks so pleased with the peace and quiet.

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Can't believe how big Reese looks in his big boy undies. Tell him Grandma is proud of him.