Friday, July 18, 2008

Funny and Funnier

I've got a couple "comedians in training" on my hands. Sometimes they are trying to be funny and other times they are just being themselves and make me laugh out loud. This is the conversation I overheard in the back of the van today:

Drew: "Reese, I'm sick."
Reese: "Me too."
Drew: "Reese will you pray for me?"
Reese: "Sure. Dear Jesus, thank you for this food..."
Drew: "No, wait till you get to Grandma's." (Reese was staying with Grandma while I took Claire and Drew to the Doctor)
Drew: "Tell Grandma that I'm sick... and Dakota (the dog)... and the pool."
Reese: "That's where we die." (as we drive past the cemetary)

It's so fun to listen to them have a conversation with each other!

Dinner was an adventure tonight. Claire "ate" carrots or, more accurately, spit carrots all over herself and anyone within her range (namely me). Then, the boys were making up jokes - trying to be funny. Here is just a taste of the show:

Drew: "What happens when a dog hits his head on the ceiling?"
Me: "I don't know. What happens?"
Drew: "His heads bangs off! Ha, Ha, Ha!"

Drew: "Knock, Knock"
Me: "Who's there?"
Drew: "Cheese"
Me: "Cheese Who?"
Drew: "Cheese Mouse" followed by histerical laughter

Not to be left out, Reese decides to try his hand.

Reese: "Knock, Knock"
Me: "Who's there?"
Reese: "Grandma Gheen" followed by incredibly fake histerical laughter

I know this isn't Mike Birbiglia funny but they're trying :)

On a more serious note. Claire had her 6 month check up today. She is growing beautifully. Her height was 27.25 inches (95%) and she weighed 18 lbs. (90%). She is sitting up very well and has one tooth in and another on the verge of breaking through. I can't believe how quickly 6 months has flown by!

1 comment:

Delimpo Days said...

okay....first of all, i cracked up at the "jokes" the boys were telling....and the van conversation...oh never a dull moment for you is there!
second....claire is the cutest prettiest little girl EVER!! its so funny to see her "eat" carrots!! maybe her cousin levi can teach her how to eat EVERY single bite!!! :)
third- i cant believe she has a tooth!!! i didnt know that!! goodness! again, hatred towards the far distance we live....
lastly...i got your post in response to my post about carrie...i just cant believe it. i dont know when and if itll ever sink in.
okay...better go....keep the updates coming, but we'll be seeing you in like 3 weeks!!!!!!!!!! tell the kids they better get ready for some serious fun!!
ps i think claire and levi are looking a little bit alike...maybe that because they are both big babies;)