Thursday, July 17, 2008

It IS possible to swim too much

We've been swimming 4 times in the last 3 days. Drew loves it and can swim for hours. Reese gets bored with swimming and usually wants to do something else after a short time.
Yesterday we headed to my parents' pool with the boys' babysitter Sarah. We grilled out for lunch and swam all afternoon (Reese eventually went inside to play). Drew loves to dive down and pick up diving sticks from the bottom. He also loves to go down the slide.
All this swimming though has worn the boys out. Today, Reese is fighting off a cold and Drew is complaining of water in his ear. I think we'll take a break from the water today :)

Drew with his buddy Sarah

1 comment:

Delimpo Days said...

i love your new layout! miss you guys! levi is crawling all over the place!