Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Good Hygiene?

The boys were going to help me make lunch today. Before we started I asked them to go wash their hands. Drew ran off compliantly to the bathroom while Reese just stood there. "Reese, you need to go wash your hands please." Reese's response was, "That's okay, Mommy. I washed my hands yesterday."

Once we were all seated and eating lunch Drew drank his water quickly and wanted a refill. We have the handy water dispenser in the door of the fridge so the boys usually help themselves. I guess Drew didn't feel like getting up. "Mom, would you please get me some more water? You're doing everything today anyway." He stated matter-of-factly. Finally, he noticed!!


Delimpo Days said...

hahahaha..i love the stories!!!! i love claires boots too!!! less than 3 weeks till we see you guys!!

Grandma said...

Can't beleive how old Claire looks in the picture. Thanks for the pumpkin pictures you sent. They are so presious.