Monday, December 22, 2008

Reusser Christmas

This Saturday and Sunday we celebrated Christmas with my side of the family. Saturday night was "Christmas Eve" complete with the most amazing meal of the year, the first annual Reusser Family Talent Show, a white elephant gift exchange for the adults, and a birthday party for Jesus. Sunday morning we had our traditional Christmas morning breakfast... french toast fondue with homemade maple butter plus egg casserole, cinnamon rolls, fruit salad... you get the idea. This was Drew's first year to make his own fondue and he did great. Drew loves breakfast and ate as much as any of the adults, except Tom who holds the record at 33 pieces of french toast. Lots of great meals but I can't help but be amazed at how quickly we ate what took Mom several days to prepare. Thanks for all your hard work Mom!

My newest niece, Hannah.

Trying to get a family picture... always a challenge.
Santa's little helper :-)
Tom with Claire

My brother, David, with Claire

After breakfast the kids were beyond ready to start in on the presents. Mom and Dad put a picture of who the present was for on each package (instead of a name tag). That way the kids could pass them out... so cute! The kids all got fun stuff that they've been playing with nonstop. Their gifts, just to name a few, included: a castle (Drew is officially a knight in shinning armor), air hog cars that drive on the walls & ceiling, a kids' karaoke machine, a helicopter, games, clothes, and a gun that uses infrared to shoot cans and bottles (you've gotta see it for it to make sense).
Michelle with Gracie on "Christmas" morning.
Claire got a new chair.
Most of the kids resting in Grandma & Grandpa's room.
The mess after the gifts were unwrapped

Claire napping with Aunt Michelle.

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