Monday, November 24, 2008

Mystery Smell

Sometime during the course of the morning I started to smell something suspicious. Now it's not what you think. The odor wasn't bad... it was overwhelming alright, but overwhelming in a, "Wow, who bathed in cologne?" kind-of way. I finally tracked the source to a spot on the sofa. Something definitely spilled there but I have no idea what or when. I do have an idea of WHO... and his name is Reese or Drew! My mission this afternoon is to figure what exactly was dumped on the couch. Of course it will only serve to satisfy my curiosity since, whatever it is, it's apparently here to stay. It will be interesting when Tom gets home. He has the nose of a bloodhound and can tell when there's a poopy diaper within a 1 mile radius of our house. I'm sure the overwhelming scent will drive him crazy, or at the very least, give him a headache like it's done to me!


Delimpo Days said...

awwwww.....haha, i wonder what it could be?!?!?! ill be waiting to hear...
oh what we get to look forward to!!

Deb said...

I remember you mentioning that while we were talking. You said it smelled like fabric softener - or something. Hope "blood hound" Tom figures it out for you. We still don't know who broke the lamp when you guys were little and we were on a date. Good luck.