Saturday, October 25, 2008

Good Manners

Last weekend we went to Ohio to visit Tom's family. We had a great time and loved spending time with Mom, Dad, Tami, Anthony & Levi. We also enjoyed the bonfire (complete with hayride) with the extended family. Unfortunately I didn't take many pictures of our weekend. If you want to see pics just check out Tami's blog: I'm sure she'll have a wonderful post up soon (no pressure, Tam). :-)

Tom took this picture of Drew's balancing act at Fulton Farms.

Drew and Reese have been playing computers games lately. I wish I could say that the games they play are educational but, unless elf bowling teaches a "life lesson" I'm not aware of, that's not the case.


... and his stamps.
Tom's been working late a lot this week so we go into SRC to have dinner with him. Reese loves the stamps and "tattoos" his arms every time we're there. Although you can't tell, the red stamp says "closed." The blue stamp says "verified."

Claire after her bath tonight.
Yesterday at breakfast:
The boys were sitting down eating their food when Drew asks, "Mom, may I please have a glass of milk and my vitamin?" Reese follows, "May I please have my milk and vitamins too?" Of course I was thrilled and wanted to affirm their good manners, "Yes, when you boys ask so nicely, I'm happy to get you what you ask for!" Without missing a beat Reese replies, "Mom, may I please have a sucker?"

1 comment:

Delimpo Days said...

hahahahhaha....i love reese asking for a sucker with please. i love your stories!!! i just put up my post yesterday with now if anyone checks it out they can see pictures of you all :) :) i loved the costumes..especially claire's ladybug!!! trick or treat is friday here, so ill be sure to post some pictures!