Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I'm sitting at the kitchen table feeding Claire and watching Drew teach Reese how to make toast. If only you could be a fly on the wall to watch this!! I think this is the cutest thing I've seen. Drew is so encouraging in his instruction. "Now you put the bread here and press this button... Good job, Buddy! Now, when I wait for the toast I sit right here like this. Reese, you're doing such a great job."

I can't even count how many slices of bread they've toasted! They are all business and so very proud of themselves. I'm just sitting back watching the show :) I absolutely LOVE watching them interact when they're not fighting.

Proud Mamma:
I don't think I've ever been as proud of Drew as I was yesterday. I was picking him up from school when the aid of a special needs student in his class stopped me in the hall. She told me how wonderful Drew is with Lilly (the little girl that she works with). She said Drew is very sweet to her and also very helpful. I almost started crying right there in the hall I was so proud of him! We see Drew's compassion and tender heart every day but it is wonderful to know that others notice as well.

1 comment:

Delimpo Days said...

we all know what a sweet boy drew is, but you are right...that was something special to have her tell you that!! how cool :)

so funny about them making toast..

i didnt know my brother was in Dallas...

i cant wait to see Claire...

only like a week and a half till we do!!!! thanks for the updates...even though theres no pictures, you painted a great one through your words!
love you!