Thursday, October 16, 2008

Music Class

Drew's music class had an open house today where the parents were welcome to come visit and observe the class. Claire and I went and enjoyed seeing Drew at school. It's nice to get a glimpse of what his day is like in the hours he is not at home. Drew is in the blue shirt and jeans motioning that the music is high. The kids would sit on the floor when a low note was played.
Claire was so happy this morning during breakfast. I would take a picture of her and then show it to her and she would crack up. She's definitely got her daddy's beautiful blue eyes.


Grandma said...

What a way to start my day, to see Claire's cute smile, it made me smile. Drew looks like he is really into his class. Thanks again for sharing.

Beth said...

Sarah, It was so good to see all of you! Claire is getting so big and she is cute as a button! After we left Bev's house on Sunday Riley kept asking me 'Where's the baby girl?' That and I wanna see "Wevi" She loves it when she is around all her cousins! Take care and see you all soon!

Delimpo Days said...

drew must get his dance moves from funny!